

Rushing is a state that we're all somewhat familiar with. The bus, the deadline, the next meeting. Whatever it might be. From time to time, we all get caught in a state of 'rushing'.

But is rushing really towards something? Or could it be that rushing is away from something?

Stay with me here.

No doubt that we, at times, are in need of picking up the pace to get somewhere. A place in time, or a task completed. 

But speeding up is not the same as the feeling of rushing. 

Rushing has an element of frustration, even anxiety to it.

I recently reflected on this, because I myself can habitually rush, or be found in a state of it.

This insight showed me, and perhaps it's useful to you, that rushing is really away from, nottoward.

With a closer look, that thing that we're moving away from tends to be pain - or fear.

Feelings that we reflexively avoid, keeping us stuck in cycles.

And so to go against that tendency (and to break the cycles), the next time you find yourself rushing... lean in. Into the feelings in your body, breathe deeply, and learn to embrace them as they are.

No doubt that the speed required to get the thing done will emerge naturally. But perhaps this way you will enjoy the thing itself more...

And you'll be processing that low level anxiety that you've been avoiding for some time.

... a life less rushed. Could be an enjoyable experience?

Go well.


Imposter Syndrome


Being Enough, Compassion, and Potential