Being Enough, Compassion, and Potential


No one can give you your ‘enoughness’. In fact, attempting to attain it from other people, or external success, will only take you further from the truth. And that truth is this… you are enough. You always have been enough. And you will always be enough. The process now is to step into it. To embody this truth.
In real terms that means being yourself completely. Every feeling, every thought, every situation, every action, and reaction. Let it all be. Open a space of full acceptance within yourself. Don’t be attached to anything that appears or is felt. Just let it be. And greet it with acceptance.
Full acceptance leads to love, love leads to truth, and the truth is… you are enough.

2. Compassion is a warm blanket. A hug with no agenda. An open space to simply be. Compassion is a choice. For some of us this choice will be hard to make, and when we ‘choose’ to make it, it may feel fake, confusing, or even disgusting… and that’s ok.
Imagination is a wonderful tool. It is a dimension of our consciousness that many of us neglect. What does it mean to imagine? Imagination is the capacity to form new ideas or states of being which don’t yet exist within our known senses.
What does compassion to a child look like? Or an animal? It’s not a specific word, or even an action, it is a state one feels within oneself that is directed toward the child/animal.
Now imagine that compassion having enough space for you to inhabit. With all your quirks, and bad habits. All your self-proclaimed inadequacies, and temptations. All of it is welcome within this space of compassion.

3. Potential needs to be reclaimed. It’s your potential. Your uniqueness. Your expression. It’s you. Your potential is your birth right. No one can take it from you, and you don’t have to be worried about whether you will ‘live up to it’. Simply just being you, and living from this place, you will live your potential.
‘How do I be me? That sounds a little abstract'. I used to think this, but i've realised and discovered it's not, it’s deeply biological. Tap into your instincts and express them. Play, explore, relate, grow and so on. Follow your instincts, and let your ‘potential’ take care of itself.


Live mindfully.




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