The Mindful Business Charter

The Mindful Business Charter calls on companies to commit to five principles focused on building healthier workplaces: openness and respect, smart meetings and communication, respecting rest periods, mindful delegation, and driving organisational commitment.

While simple in concept, these principles have the potential for profound ripple effects when embraced sincerely. What tangible impacts can organisations expect from adopting the Mindful Business Charter?

Employee Wellbeing

At its core, the charter aims to remove unnecessary sources of stress that lead to burnout, lack of engagement, and poor mental health over time. By training staff in mindful practices and encouraging leaders to role model healthy norms, companies can create more energising environments where people thrive.

Better Communication

Principles like smart meetings, effective delegation, and open communication give people the tools to collaborate more respectfully. Meetings stay focused, last-minute requests reduce, and teams align more smoothly. Even small shifts create a climate of trust and consideration.

Improved Productivity

With less burnout and better teamwork, individuals and organisations see gains in productivity. Stress hormones inhibit cognitive function and memory - while mindfulness enhances focus. Respecting rest periods optimises performance by allowing recovery. A mindful culture translates directly to tangible results.

Enhanced Flexibility

Charter guidelines around non-traditional work hours and right to disconnect allow for greater flexibility. People have autonomy over when and where they work best. Results matter more than face time. Both the business and staff benefit from embracing diverse, modern ways of working.

Stronger Employer Brand

Adopting the charter signals that an organisation walks the talk on caring for employees. It’s a differentiator in attracting and retaining top talent, especially among younger workers prioritising purpose and wellbeing. The principles directly boost workplace experience.

Healthier Clients Too

For service firms, embracing the charter has positive flow on effects for how clients are served. Clear communication, smart meetings, and respect for rest improve client interactions and deliverables. It becomes a rising tide that lifts all boats.

While culture change takes time, the research-backed principles of the Mindful Business Charter provide a roadmap. Early adopters have already seen impacts including better engagement survey scores, reduced absenteeism, smoother teamwork, and heightened client satisfaction.

Perhaps most telling are the personal stories of reduced stress and greater career fulfillment shared by employees. By committing to the charter, companies commit to people - and reap the multitude of benefits that follow. There is a clear first mover advantage for forward-thinking organisations.


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