Pressure generated by anxiety…


External pressure is only as much of a reality in the moment as we make it.

I’m not saying that pressure - deadlines, tasks, clients, kids - don’t exist.

I’m saying that (generally) the moment we are in there is no threat.

The threat is what we are fearing might happen.

The threat is a projection of mind.

There are two reasons why our mind might be projecting a threatening situation:

  1. There is an underlying belief, either about what we are capable of, or what other people or the world will do to us if something happens.

  2. We have become biologically addicted to the hormones of stress, and so our body is reflexively creating worse case scenarios in our mind in order to trigger a familiar biochemical state.

by identifying the cause of the problem, we can find a solution…

1.     Beliefs are ideas, they are not facts.

To challenge a belief, we must find more of the facts,

by doing so we create new and more sophisticated beliefs.

Beliefs that give us more flexibility in the situation we find ourselves. 

2.     The biological addiction to stress

Much like any addiction, you will need to abstain the best you can from experiencing the substance.

This is where mindfulness, meditation, breathwork and yoga come in.

You will need to train your mind to focus more on the task at hand, not on the circumstances that may unfold if this or that happens.


Live mindfully.